Report Nuisance Emissions
Article 24 of our Constitution grants us the right to a healthy environment … protected for the benefit of present and future generations.
Unhappy with the quality of the air where you live or work – Report the Nuisance Emission
Scroll to below the form for weather and general help on completing the form.
General help with filling in the form.
Several of the fields are obligatory and marked with an asterisk symbol *. These fields must be completed before you can move on to the next section of the form.
If you have previously completed a form and depending on your device settings the fields will autofill/autocomplete using previously entered personal information into the form fields for the user’s convenience.
The confirm/deny fields can be completed by checking the confirm/deny at the bottom of the first part of the form.
For several reasons, the iLembe District is divided into areas. The general area field has a dropdown menu with 6 general areas. See the map below to help you identify your general area.
- KwaDukuza South – North of the Tongati River to South of the Mhalali River.
- KwaDukuza Central – North of the Mhalali River to South of the Nonoti River
- KwaDukuza North – North of the Nonoti River to South of the Tugela River
- Mandeni – Isithebe to Tugela Mouth surrounds
- Maphumulo
- Ndwedwe
Click on map to enlarge
Once the general area has been selected then you are asked for a more specific location, if yours is not listed choose the nearest location to you or specify in Other.