Please support our initiatives

Project to measure and quantify the air pollutants that are making our children sick.

Photo by courtesy of Alet Pretorius – from an article Climate Despair by Jorisna Bonthuys – Daily Maverik 27 Feb 2022.

Help us buy low-cost monitors which will help us quantify the air pollutants that are making our children sick in the iLembe District.

We need ± USD 250 or R5,000* per monitor and ± USD 250 or R5,000* plus per set of flags x 18 schools and 1 x near reference monitor ± USD 16,750 or R335,000*

The planned pilot project can be scaled up from 1 monitor to the required 19. (Schools plus near-reference).

With enough support, we can replicate the project throughout KwaZulu Natal and the rest of South Africa.

Your donation and support will help build and maintain an independent network of air quality monitors.

The empirical data from the monitors will help us better understand the air pollution problems we all face.

CAP makes the data available to reputable researchers and environmental activists who can use it to find answers and implement effective solutions.

By standing together we can improve our environmental health and well-being.

*Exchange Rate, Duties and Delivery dependent.

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Donate Via EFT

Banking Details Communities Against Pollution
Bank: First National Bank
Branch Code: 250655
Account Number: 63032509995
Account Name: Communities Against Pollution NPC
Account Type: Current Account
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Donate Via Zapper

Communities Against Pollution NPC is a registered Non-Profit company – CIPC Reg No. 2022/445204/08

CAP is also a registered Public Benefit Organisation – SARS Reg No. 930076101

Should you need a tax deductible receipt for your donation, or for any other information about donations to CAP, please contact CAP Enquiries

1% Environmental Partner